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Plan Your Tour of Körner's Folly

Plan your tour of Körner’s Folly’s 22 rooms, spread across 3 stories and 7 levels, located in the heart of the Piedmont, in Kernersville, North Carolina. Körner’s Folly is open for tours year-round. Public, self-guided tours are available Tuesdays – Saturdays from 10am-4pm. During public tour hours, advance reservations are encouraged and can be booked here: Buy Tickets

Körner’s Folly Tours

Private group tours, bus tours, and field trips are available by appointment. Click the categories below to learn more about our tour offerings, and start planning your visit today!

Click the categories below to learn more about our tour offerings, and start planning your visit.

Körner’s Folly Tours

Public Self-Guided Tours

Tour at your own pace through 22 rooms of architectural wonder!

Private Guided Tours

An expert docent will lead your group on a private tour for 10-50 people.

Bus Tours

Motor coach operators can schedule engaging, educational tours for private groups of 10-50

Field Trips

Unique educational field trip for a class, summer camp, or daycare