Historical Crafts

Here are popular Victorian-inspired craft projects to add hands-on activities to your virtual field trip! Click on the link for a printable .pdf complete with a supply list, step-by-step instructions, and photos. Show off your finished projects on social media using #CraftingWithTheKorners

Questions? Suggestions? Contact info@kornersfolly or call (336) 996-7922.

3D Paper Star

The Moravians, adherents of the faith that began in the Kingdom of Bohemia (today the Czech Republic), were known for their simple way of life.

You can make your own 3D paper stars similar to the ones Moravians have made for hundreds of years, but with this simplified version.

3D Paper Star

Paper Bead Garland

The creation of ‘modern’ paper beads is thought to have begun in the Victorian era in England, where women had access to magazines, newspapers, and other paper material.

You can use construction paper, magazines, or other patterned papers to create your own paper beads, just like the Victorians did.

Paper Bead Garland

Decorative Molding Masks

Did you know that Körner’s Folly has over 10,000 feet of decorative molding? These architectural elements sometimes feature faces and figures from literature or mythology.

This year, for Halloween, we’re making masks from some of the faces Jule Körner included in his designs!

Molding Masks

3D Hot Air Balloon

In Victorian times, scientists used hot air balloons to measure the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, which they guessed would get colder the higher up. Aeronauts, or hot air balloon pilots, also created maps based on what they could see from up high. Hot air balloon flights were considered a marvelous spectacle, and people who regularly flew them were called “Balloonatics.” You can make your own 3D Hot Air Ballon using the link below:

3D Hot Air Balloon

Button Ring

During the period that the Korner family lived at Korner’s Folly, most families could not afford to buy their children expensive toys, and most towns did not have a toy store. Instead, children would use their imagination to re-purpose items found around the house. Buttons, which came in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes, were frequently used in crafts, games, and toys. You can make your own Button Ring using the link below:

Button Ring

Yarn Dolls

Yarn dolls were made in America as early as the Colonial period from homespun yarn. Making yarn dolls became a popular pastime, and the yarn doll was listed as a craft activity in one of the earliest Brownie Scout Hand Books. As the Industrial Revolution (1790 – 1830) made yarn widely available, children were encouraged to make their own toys out of the more plentiful supply. You can make your own Yarn Doll using the link below:

Yarn Dolls