Lawrence and Etta Lea Pope Foundation Funds Community Room

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Lawrence and Etta Lea Pope Foundation Funds Community Room

Körner’s Folly is proud to announce a generous grant from the Lawrence E. and Etta Lea Pope Foundation. This gift, earmarked for the creation of a Community Room in the future Visitors Center at Körner’s Folly, will provide a flexible space for lectures, events, group lunches, special exhibitions, and meeting space.

“We’re thankful for this investment in the future of Kernersville, and the ways that we will be able to gather for socializing, learning together, exploring history, and so much more in our Community Room. We are so grateful for the Lawrence E. and Etta Lea Pope Foundation’s belief in the mission of  Körner’s Folly, and we will continue to provide excellent programming for Kernersville and beyond.”  – Dale Pennington, Executive Director of the Körner’s Folly Foundation

The funding of the Community Room is part of a 1.5 million dollar fundraising effort that includes the construction of a 5,600 square foot Visitors Center at Körner’s Folly, completion of the house’s restoration, and development of new educational programs.

This gift from Lawrence E. and Etta Lea Pope Foundation joins funding from the Wells Fargo Foundation, the Winston-Salem Foundation, the Town of Kernersville, and many private individuals. The Körner’s Folly Foundation is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Körner’s Folly for the education and enjoyment of the public. For more information, email or call (336) 996-7922.

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